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A sponsorship program focused on future and continual success

Introduction of offering

Our Sponsored Field Staff offering is a solution to the skills shortage our clients are experiencing by providing access to candidates that require visa sponsorship.

Our approach is highly attractive to clients and candidates alike. It enables clients to access broader talent pools and, in many cases, provides our candidates with a pathway to Permanent Residency (PR).

Benefits for clients

Sponsored Field Staff benefits our clients in multiple ways.

  • Expands the candidate pool in a candidate short market

  • Leaders IT takes the responsibility for candidate sponsorship

  • After engaging with Leaders IT, we can take care of the whole process

Benefits for candidates

Our Sponsored Field Staff themselves also experience multiple benefits unique to Leaders IT.

  • They are likely to achieve permanent residency after their initial contract

  • This sponsorship acts as a stepping stone to living in Australia permanently

  • The opportunity to work for a wider network of clients after PR is achieved through our partner Peoplebank

FAQ section

Can Leaders IT sponsor me?

As the professional services arm of the Peoplebank Group Leaders IT can offer our consultants permanent employment and visa sponsorship. Leaders are accredited sponsors, which means our visa applications receive priority processing for a Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482).

If you are a skilled individual and you have a skill set that aligns with the nominated occupations as defined by the Department of Home Affairs, refer to the link below, you have the potential to be sponsored by Leaders IT:

What is the process?

Leaders IT need to have a role for you that we have not been able to find a suitable Australian citizen or permanent resident worker to fill. We need to complete Labour Market Testing (LMT) to demonstrate this, which is a 28-day process.

We will work closely with you and our immigration lawyers to ensure you are eligible for visa sponsorship. Once we have determined that you are eligible for sponsorship and suitable for the role, you will be offered employment with Leaders IT and advised of our and your obligations.

You will be able to join Leaders IT once your visa application is approved.

How will I be paid?

As a permanent employee of Leader IT you will receive an annualised salary. Leaders IT will offer you a salary that is aligned to market rates and what an Australian citizen or permanent resident worker with the same skillset, performing the same role, would be paid.

You will need to have an Australian Bank Account and a Tax File Number (TFN).

Leaders IT are responsible for your income tax payments and superannuation contribution. Leaders IT will contribute the minimum amount to a complying superannuation fund to avoid any charge under the Superannuation Guarantee (Charge) Act 1992. You are free to direct your superannuation contributions to a regulated complying superannuation fund of your choice

I already have TSS 482 visa, can I work for Leaders IT?

Leaders IT can do a nomination transfer and take over your current TSS visa sponsorship. Once the nomination transfer is approved you can join Leaders IT as a permanent employee.

Do Leaders IT provide a pathway to PR?

Leaders IT can nominate you for PR via the Employee Nomination Scheme (ENS) for a 186 (DE) visa. This is dependent on your eligibility for nomination for PR.

How do I know if I’m eligible for PR nomination via ENS?

Leaders IT work with reputable lawyers to assess your eligibility for nomination for PR via ENS.

Further detail on eligibility for PR nomination via ENS can be found via the link:

Do I have to pay for Health Insurance?

As you may be subject to immigration condition 8501 on your 482 visa, you are therefore required to maintain adequate Health Insurance cover for you and your dependents for the duration of your stay in Australia on a 457 or 482 visa. If you are from a country which the Australian Government has Reciprocal Health Care Agreements (RHCA) with, you may hold Medicare to meet the condition 8501.

Who pays for the visa application costs?

Leaders IT will provide you a breakdown of costs, some of the visa costs will be covered by Leaders and some will be passed on to you as the visa applicant.


“Leaders IT services is a wonderful company and a huge brand to work with.

The hiring process was clear and transparent and so is the exit process. A company that truly cares for its employees and their dreams. The genuineness and the brand name are something to go for. To add on there is a wonderful team to clarify all payroll related queries or employment related matters. Monthly sessions on mental wellbeing and health are being conducted to ensure health and wellbeing of the employees. This company made my Australian dreams come true.

I must mention about Ms. Sue Templeton- my hiring manager. Sue is such a wonderful person, who is very genuine in her actions and true to her words. She is a very positive person who handles anything with dignity. No one will think twice to join her team.

Forever indebted to the company, the team and Ms. Sue Templeton.”

- Sowmya Vasanth, Sponsored Field Staff

“From the initial point of reaching out to me with a role, to the interview process, to on boarding, and then managing my contract, Leaders have always been professional, insightful, and engaged. As a long-time contractor based in Melbourne, the Leaders team have provided me everything I need to succeed in my roles and further my career.

I was made redundant because of covid, but the Leaders team went above and beyond to ensure I was placed in a new role within a matter of weeks. Without their support, influence, and network of industry contacts, I would have been stuck without work during a very difficult time.

In addition, Leaders IT Services are the reason I have been able to stay in Australia. As a non-national, Leaders were able to arrange first for sponsorship so that I could stay in roles, and then my application for permanent residency. Their legal resources took care of the entire process; I didn’t have to fill in a single form! Thanks to Leaders, I am now able to live and work in Australia permanently.

During my engagements, the Leaders team have always been attentive and available, and are very easy to contact over the phone. I made use of the range of support services made available by them. What I found valuable in particular were their series of lunchtime and breakfast lectures that catered specifically to challenges relevant to contractors.”

- Kevin Crowley, Sponsored Field Staff

Learn more form

To learn more about our Sponsored Field Staff program, fill in your details below.